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One in four homes will suffer some form of structural distress, and repairs could cost on average $42,500  and $113,000 per claim.

While your home was carefully constructed and inspected, occasionally unforeseen problems arise, even in the best-built homes. Your structural warranty addresses the designated load-bearing elements of your home.


When you buy or build custom home from us you automatically get 1 year Builder warranty and 10 year structural warranty.


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Structural Warranty

A structural warranty provides performance guidelines and warranty coverage for a home's workmanship, distribution systems and load-bearing structural components. Structural warranties offer valuable protection for builders and homeowners alike by defining coverage, setting clear expectations and providing support and guidance should a defect occur. Structural warranties are an extremely valuable risk management tool for all parties, where the builder is the insured and the homeowner is the beneficiary.


Overview of items covered:
Roof framing systems, load-bearing walls and partitions, beams, columns, footings and foundation systems, floor framing systems, girders, lintels and masonry arches


You will rarely see behind the walls of your new home, but essential functions such as electrical, plumbing and mechanical systems are working behind the walls. Your distribution systems warranty establishes the standards for your home's electrical, plumbing and mechanical systems. The wiring, piping and ductwork of your new home are addressed under this warranty.

Overview of items covered: Supply piping, waste piping, ductwork and electrical wiring

Living Room


Quality is important, especially in your new home. Your workmanship warranty establishes the standards applicable to the fit, finish and materials used in the construction of your home. Commonly used across industries, fit refers to how well the parts of the finished product come together and finish refers to the completeness of work.

Overview of items covered:
Roof covering, cabinets, countertops, door panels, exterior siding, hardwood floors, basement floor, ceramic tile, drywall, interior trim, carpet, paint and fireplace

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